Volunteer opportunities are available!
The various committees of the church provide many opportunities to use one’s time and talents:
Building Fund
Oversees the funds designated for Building Addition and Renovation Project.
Cemetery Board
Oversees the care and maintenance of the cemetery and the sale of cemetery lots.
Christian Education
Plans, coordinates and supports educational opportunities for persons of all ages.
Congregation Council
Oversees the worship, education, programs, property, and administration of the congregation.
Congregation Fellowship
Plans social events for the life of the congregation.
Reviews the constitution, bylaws, and continuing resolutions to make recommendations for changes or additions.
Responsible for in-reach to congregation for spiritual growth, outreach to community to welcome new members, and outreach to the world through Global Missions of the ELCA.
Oversees the financial affairs of the congregation.
Historical Research & Archives
Maintains, organizes and preserves congregational records.
Worship & Music
Plans all aspects for and implements the worship services.
Youth Ministry
Provides for Christian growth, fellowship, and service for the young people of the church.
Mission/Service Task Force
Encourages the congregation to be directly involved in special projects related to Christ-like service and/or Christian mission.
Memorial Fund Board
Oversees the use of the money given to the church in remembrance of the faithfully departed.
Mutual Ministry
Works with the staff of New Hanover Evangelical Lutheran Church and fosters positive and constructive communication among pastors, staff, and congregation.
Office Equipment
Provides for the care, maintenance and/or replacement of all office furniture, equipment, and the Web site.
Picnic Grove
Oversees the care, maintenance and use of the picnic grove, organizes the Great Swamp Picnic.
Provides for the proper maintenance and protection of the congregation’s property and grounds.
Social Ministry
Puts the Gospel to work by bringing the love of Jesus to others’ lives with assistance and aid. It helps to physically enrich others for the sake of the gospel.
Makes the congregation aware that each of us are needed to give our time, talent, and treasures to promote the expression of Christian faith.