NHELC will sponsor Camp Falckner July 26-29, 2022 at the church picnic grove on Swamp Picnic Road. This overnight camp is open to youth who have finished grades 5 – 12. While campers will have a more immersive experience if they stay overnight, campers can choose to sleep at home if they prefer. If your child has other commitments throughout the week (practice, job, etc…), they are welcome to attend camp as they are able.
Camp will start Tuesday, 7/26, at 9am and will end Friday, 7/29, at 10am. Other than needing a packed lunch for Tuesday, all snacks and meals will be provided. The cost is $50.00 per camper (made payable to “New Hanover Lutheran Sunday School”). If your child is interested in attending, please return the registration form and check to the church office by Sunday, July 10th. (Camperships are available if needed; call or text Lindsey Waltermyer 610-772-1915.) Please include a copy of your health insurance card with registration in the event an emergency arises.