See Also: Overview | 1700-1799 | 1800-1899 | 1900-Present | Timeline of our Pastors

The New Hanover Evangelical Lutheran Church was founded in 1700 by Daniel Falckner. He gathered the German immigrant Lutherans living between the Schuylkill River and what is now Pennsburg to form a congregation. He was followed by a number of “circuit” pastors who served a number of congregations. Among them was Henry Melchior Muhlenberg who arrived in 1742.

In 1768, the congregation built the stone building currently being used for worship. Prior to that, they worshipped in log buildings. During the war for American Independence, the building was used as a temporary hospital during the retreat of Washington’s army following The Battle at Brandywine.

Frederick Augustus Muhlenberg, son of Henry, served the congregation from 1777 to 1778 before he entered government service in the continental congress and them, in the First congress of the United States where he became the first speaker of the House of Representatives.

New Hanover’s history shows evidence of God’s continuing grace. It was given a significant role in the birth of the Lutheran Church in America, as well as the birth of the nation itself. Fifty Revolutionary War veterans are buried in the New Hanover cemetery.