Lenten Devotional Booklet


#knowingsharingcelebratingchrist  #40days
This will be the last Wednesday at Noon that a healing Worship service will be posted on our Facebook and YouTube websites.  Both worship sites, and the weekly devotional guide can be found at newhanoverlutheran.org.
Join us this week for an opportunity to engage in the journey with Jesus to the cross and experience healing devotions and prayers along the way. Each Wednesday at Noon, we will learn breathing prayers and discuss Psalm 30, that will help us all cope with the hardships and pain of this pandemic. 
Midweek Healing devotionals and weekly Lenten devotionals are available on our webpage in the Worship tab, in the drop down Worship Materials and Devotionals section.
Subscribe and Like us on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOq-ftLNeF_oLL41ie7bRjw
Follow us on Facebook: https://www.Facebook.com/NewHanoverLutheranChurch 
Find the bulletin and all the music to follow along with the service on our website: https://www.newhanoverlutheran.org/bulletin-archive/
To make a donation to the church; for online giving, please visit us at https://www.newhanoverlutheran.org/donate or you can mail us a check at New Hanover Evangelical Lutheran Church, 2941 Lutheran Road, Gilbertsville, PA 19525
To contact Pastor Scott - please email him at pastor@newhanoverlutheran.org or call him at the church at 610-326-1335 ext.1 .
Pastor, The Rev. Scott Staub 
Pastor, Rev. Mary Ann Harris Siefke 
Lincoln Noecker, Organist/Pianist
Scott Geiser, Web Manager 
Amy Marazas, Video Producer
Scott Repa, Sound
Copyright Acknowledgements for 
March 24, 2021  Service:
"That Priceless Grace", setting, J.Bert Carlson,©2013 Augsburg Fortress, 
One License #A-701229 (NHELC)
"Herzlich tut mich verlangen", setting, Gaël Liardon, ©2012 Creative Commons, Source: IMSLP/PetrucciMusicLibrary; freely used CC-Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) 
Does your church need help with producing their weekly worship service? Amy Marazas can help! Contact her at Amy@Amymarazas.com. You can Follow her on Facebook https://fb.me/VideoCoachAmy

#knowingsharingcelebratingchrist #40days

This will be the last Wednesday at Noon that a healing Worship service will be posted on our Facebook and YouTube websites. Both worship sites, and the weekly devotional guide can be found at newhanoverlutheran.org.

Join us this week for an opportunity to engage in the journey with Jesus to the cross and experience healing devotions and prayers along the way. Each Wednesday at Noon, we will learn breathing prayers and discuss Psalm 30, that will help us all cope with the hardships and pain of this pandemic.

Midweek Healing devotionals and weekly Lenten devotionals are available on our webpage in the Worship tab, in the drop down Worship Materials and Devotionals section.

Subscribe and Like us on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOq-ftLNeF_oLL41ie7bRjw

Follow us on Facebook: https://www.Facebook.com/NewHanoverLutheranChurch

Find the bulletin and all the music to follow along with the service on our website: https://www.newhanoverlutheran.org/bulletin-archive/

To make a donation to the church; for online giving, please visit us at https://www.newhanoverlutheran.org/donate or you can mail us a check at New Hanover Evangelical Lutheran Church, 2941 Lutheran Road, Gilbertsville, PA 19525

To contact Pastor Scott - please email him at pastor@newhanoverlutheran.org or call him at the church at 610-326-1335 ext.1 .

Pastor, The Rev. Scott Staub
Pastor, Rev. Mary Ann Harris Siefke
Lincoln Noecker, Organist/Pianist
Scott Geiser, Web Manager
Amy Marazas, Video Producer
Scott Repa, Sound

Copyright Acknowledgements for
March 24, 2021 Service:

"That Priceless Grace", setting, J.Bert Carlson,©2013 Augsburg Fortress,
One License #A-701229 (NHELC)

"Herzlich tut mich verlangen", setting, Gaël Liardon, ©2012 Creative Commons, Source: IMSLP/PetrucciMusicLibrary; freely used CC-Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Does your church need help with producing their weekly worship service? Amy Marazas can help! Contact her at Amy@Amymarazas.com. You can Follow her on Facebook https://fb.me/VideoCoachAmy

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A Weekly Lenten Journey: Mourning into Dancing

NHELC 10 views March 23, 2021 2:58 pm

#knowingsharingcelebratingchrist #40days

This will be the last Wednesday at Noon that a healing Worship service will be posted on our Facebook and YouTube websites. Both worship sites, and the weekly devotional guide can be found at newhanoverlutheran.org.

Join us this week for an opportunity to engage in the journey with Jesus to the cross and experience healing devotions and prayers along the way. Each Wednesday at Noon, we will learn breathing prayers and discuss Psalm 30, that will help us all cope with the hardships and pain of this pandemic.

Midweek Healing devotionals and weekly Lenten devotionals are available on our webpage in the Worship tab, in the drop down Worship Materials and Devotionals section.

Subscribe and Like us on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOq-ftLNeF_oLL41ie7bRjw

Follow us on Facebook: https://www.Facebook.com/NewHanoverLutheranChurch

Find the bulletin and all the music to follow along with the service on our website: https://www.newhanoverlutheran.org/bulletin-archive/

To make a donation to the church; for online giving, please visit us at https://www.newhanoverlutheran.org/donate or you can mail us a check at New Hanover Evangelical Lutheran Church, 2941 Lutheran Road, Gilbertsville, PA 19525

To contact Pastor Scott - please email him at pastor@newhanoverlutheran.org or call him at the church at 610-326-1335 ext.1 .

Pastor, The Rev. Scott Staub
Pastor, Rev. Mary Ann Harris Siefke
Lincoln Noecker, Organist/Pianist
Scott Geiser, Web Manager
Amy Marazas, Video Producer
Scott Repa, Sound

Copyright Acknowledgements for
March 24, 2021 Service:

"That Priceless Grace", setting, J.Bert Carlson,©2013 Augsburg Fortress,
One License #A-701229 (NHELC)

"Herzlich tut mich verlangen", setting, Gaël Liardon, ©2012 Creative Commons, Source: IMSLP/PetrucciMusicLibrary; freely used CC-Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Does your church need help with producing their weekly worship service? Amy Marazas can help! Contact her at Amy@Amymarazas.com. You can Follow her on Facebook https://fb.me/VideoCoachAmy

A Midweek Lenten Healing Worship
Each Wednesdays at Noon a healing Worship service will be posted on our Facebook and YouTube websites.  Both worship sites, and the weekly devotional guide can be found at newhanoverlutheran.org.
Join us each week for opportunities to engage in the journey with Jesus to the cross and experience healing devotions and prayers along the way. Each Wednesday at Noon, we will learn breathing prayers and discuss Psalm 30, that will help us all cope with the hardships and pain of this pandemic. 
Midweek Healing devotionals and weekly Lenten devotionals are available on our webpage in the Worship tab, in the drop down Worship Materials and Devotionals section.
Subscribe and Like us on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOq-ftLNeF_oLL41ie7bRjw
Follow us on Facebook: https://www.Facebook.com/NewHanoverLutheranChurch 
Find the bulletin and all the music to follow along with the service on our website: https://www.newhanoverlutheran.org/bulletin-archive/
To make a donation to the church; for online giving, please visit us at https://www.newhanoverlutheran.org/donate or you can mail us a check at New Hanover Evangelical Lutheran Church, 2941 Lutheran Road, Gilbertsville, PA 19525
To contact Pastor Scott - please email him at pastor@newhanoverlutheran.org or call him at the church at 610-326-1335 ext.1 .
Pastor, The Rev. Scott Staub 
Pastor, Rev. Mary Ann Harris Siefke 
Lincoln Noecker, Organist/Pianist
Scott Geiser, Web Manager 
Amy Marazas, Video Producer
Scott Repa, Sound
Copyright Acknowledgements for  March 17, 2021  Service:
“"Be Thou My Vision", setting, Matthew Weston, ©1998, MorningStar Music Publishers One License #A-701229 
"O Welt ich muss dich lassen", setting, Gaël Liardon,, ©2011 Creative Commons, Source: IMSLP/PetrucciMusicLibrary; freely used CC-Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) 
Does your church need help with producing their weekly worship service? Amy Marazas can help! Contact her at Amy@Amymarazas.com. You can Follow her on Facebook https://fb.me/VideoCoachAm

A Midweek Lenten Healing Worship

Each Wednesdays at Noon a healing Worship service will be posted on our Facebook and YouTube websites. Both worship sites, and the weekly devotional guide can be found at newhanoverlutheran.org.
Join us each week for opportunities to engage in the journey with Jesus to the cross and experience healing devotions and prayers along the way. Each Wednesday at Noon, we will learn breathing prayers and discuss Psalm 30, that will help us all cope with the hardships and pain of this pandemic.

Midweek Healing devotionals and weekly Lenten devotionals are available on our webpage in the Worship tab, in the drop down Worship Materials and Devotionals section.

Subscribe and Like us on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOq-ftLNeF_oLL41ie7bRjw

Follow us on Facebook: https://www.Facebook.com/NewHanoverLutheranChurch

Find the bulletin and all the music to follow along with the service on our website: https://www.newhanoverlutheran.org/bulletin-archive/

To make a donation to the church; for online giving, please visit us at https://www.newhanoverlutheran.org/donate or you can mail us a check at New Hanover Evangelical Lutheran Church, 2941 Lutheran Road, Gilbertsville, PA 19525

To contact Pastor Scott - please email him at pastor@newhanoverlutheran.org or call him at the church at 610-326-1335 ext.1 .

Pastor, The Rev. Scott Staub
Pastor, Rev. Mary Ann Harris Siefke
Lincoln Noecker, Organist/Pianist
Scott Geiser, Web Manager
Amy Marazas, Video Producer
Scott Repa, Sound
Copyright Acknowledgements for March 17, 2021 Service:

“"Be Thou My Vision", setting, Matthew Weston, ©1998, MorningStar Music Publishers One License #A-701229

"O Welt ich muss dich lassen", setting, Gaël Liardon,, ©2011 Creative Commons, Source: IMSLP/PetrucciMusicLibrary; freely used CC-Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Does your church need help with producing their weekly worship service? Amy Marazas can help! Contact her at Amy@Amymarazas.com. You can Follow her on Facebook https://fb.me/VideoCoachAm

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A Midweek Lenten Healing Worship: Be My Helper

NHELC 6 views March 17, 2021 11:44 am

A Midweek Lenten Healing Worship

Each Wednesdays at Noon a healing Worship service will be posted on our Facebook and YouTube websites. Both worship sites, and the weekly devotional guide can be found at newhanoverlutheran.org.
Join us each week for opportunities to engage in the journey with Jesus to the cross and experience healing devotions and prayers along the way. Each Wednesday at Noon, we will learn breathing prayers and discuss Psalm 30, that will help us all cope with the hardships and pain of this pandemic.

Midweek Healing devotionals and weekly Lenten devotionals are available on our webpage in the Worship tab, in the drop down Worship Materials and Devotionals section.

Subscribe and Like us on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOq-ftLNeF_oLL41ie7bRjw

Follow us on Facebook: https://www.Facebook.com/NewHanoverLutheranChurch

Find the bulletin and all the music to follow along with the service on our website: https://www.newhanoverlutheran.org/bulletin-archive/

To make a donation to the church; for online giving, please visit us at https://www.newhanoverlutheran.org/donate or you can mail us a check at New Hanover Evangelical Lutheran Church, 2941 Lutheran Road, Gilbertsville, PA 19525

To contact Pastor Scott - please email him at pastor@newhanoverlutheran.org or call him at the church at 610-326-1335 ext.1 .

Pastor, The Rev. Scott Staub
Pastor, Rev. Mary Ann Harris Siefke
Lincoln Noecker, Organist/Pianist
Scott Geiser, Web Manager
Amy Marazas, Video Producer
Scott Repa, Sound
Copyright Acknowledgements for March 17, 2021 Service:

“"Be Thou My Vision", setting, Matthew Weston, ©1998, MorningStar Music Publishers One License #A-701229

"O Welt ich muss dich lassen", setting, Gaël Liardon,, ©2011 Creative Commons, Source: IMSLP/PetrucciMusicLibrary; freely used CC-Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Does your church need help with producing their weekly worship service? Amy Marazas can help! Contact her at Amy@Amymarazas.com. You can Follow her on Facebook https://fb.me/VideoCoachAm

#LentenWorship  #Psalm30
Each Wednesdays at Noon a healing Worship service will be posted on our Facebook and YouTube websites.  Both worship sites, and the weekly devotional guide can be found at newhanoverlutheran.org.
Join us each week for opportunities to engage in the journey with Jesus to the cross and experience healing devotions and prayers along the way. Each Wednesday at Noon, we will learn breathing prayers and discuss Psalm 30, that will help us all cope with the hardships and pain of this pandemic. Midweek Healing devotionals and weekly Lenten devotionals are available on our webpage in the Worship tab, in the drop down Worship Materials and Devotionals section.
Subscribe and Like us on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOq-ftLNeF_oLL41ie7bRjw
Follow us on Facebook: https://www.Facebook.com/NewHanoverLutheranChurch 
Find the bulletin and all the music to follow along with the service on our website: https://www.newhanoverlutheran.org/bulletin-archive/
To make a donation to the church; for online giving, please visit us at https://www.newhanoverlutheran.org/donate or you can mail us a check at New Hanover Evangelical Lutheran Church, 2941 Lutheran Road, Gilbertsville, PA 19525
To contact Pastor Scott - please email him at pastor@newhanoverlutheran.org or call him at the church at 610-326-1335 ext.1 .
Pastor, The Rev. Scott Staub 
Pastor, Rev. Mary Ann Harris Siefke 
Lincoln Noecker, Organist/Pianist
Scott Geiser, Web Manager 
Amy Marazas, Video Producer
Scott Repa, Sound
Copyright Acknowledgements for 
March 10, 2021  Service:
“Amazing Grace", setting, David Cherwien, ©1997 Concordia Publishing, 
One License #A-701229 (NHELC)
"Herzlich lieb", setting, Gaël Liardon, ©2014 Creative Commons,  Source: IMSLP/PetrucciMusicLibrary;  freely used CC-Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 
International (CC BY-SA 4.0)  CC-Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 
Does your church need help with producing their weekly worship service? Amy Marazas can help! Contact her at Amy@Amymarazas.com. You can Follow her on Facebook https://fb.me/VideoCoachAmy

#LentenWorship #Psalm30

Each Wednesdays at Noon a healing Worship service will be posted on our Facebook and YouTube websites. Both worship sites, and the weekly devotional guide can be found at newhanoverlutheran.org.

Join us each week for opportunities to engage in the journey with Jesus to the cross and experience healing devotions and prayers along the way. Each Wednesday at Noon, we will learn breathing prayers and discuss Psalm 30, that will help us all cope with the hardships and pain of this pandemic. Midweek Healing devotionals and weekly Lenten devotionals are available on our webpage in the Worship tab, in the drop down Worship Materials and Devotionals section.

Subscribe and Like us on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOq-ftLNeF_oLL41ie7bRjw

Follow us on Facebook: https://www.Facebook.com/NewHanoverLutheranChurch

Find the bulletin and all the music to follow along with the service on our website: https://www.newhanoverlutheran.org/bulletin-archive/

To make a donation to the church; for online giving, please visit us at https://www.newhanoverlutheran.org/donate or you can mail us a check at New Hanover Evangelical Lutheran Church, 2941 Lutheran Road, Gilbertsville, PA 19525

To contact Pastor Scott - please email him at pastor@newhanoverlutheran.org or call him at the church at 610-326-1335 ext.1 .

Pastor, The Rev. Scott Staub
Pastor, Rev. Mary Ann Harris Siefke
Lincoln Noecker, Organist/Pianist
Scott Geiser, Web Manager
Amy Marazas, Video Producer
Scott Repa, Sound
Copyright Acknowledgements for
March 10, 2021 Service:

“Amazing Grace", setting, David Cherwien, ©1997 Concordia Publishing,
One License #A-701229 (NHELC)

"Herzlich lieb", setting, Gaël Liardon, ©2014 Creative Commons, Source: IMSLP/PetrucciMusicLibrary; freely used CC-Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
International (CC BY-SA 4.0) CC-Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0

Does your church need help with producing their weekly worship service? Amy Marazas can help! Contact her at Amy@Amymarazas.com. You can Follow her on Facebook https://fb.me/VideoCoachAmy

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A Midweek Lenten Healing Worship: I Shall Never Be Moved

NHELC 9 views March 10, 2021 3:10 pm

#LentenWorship #Psalm30

Each Wednesdays at Noon a healing Worship service will be posted on our Facebook and YouTube websites. Both worship sites, and the weekly devotional guide can be found at newhanoverlutheran.org.

Join us each week for opportunities to engage in the journey with Jesus to the cross and experience healing devotions and prayers along the way. Each Wednesday at Noon, we will learn breathing prayers and discuss Psalm 30, that will help us all cope with the hardships and pain of this pandemic. Midweek Healing devotionals and weekly Lenten devotionals are available on our webpage in the Worship tab, in the drop down Worship Materials and Devotionals section.

Subscribe and Like us on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOq-ftLNeF_oLL41ie7bRjw

Follow us on Facebook: https://www.Facebook.com/NewHanoverLutheranChurch

Find the bulletin and all the music to follow along with the service on our website: https://www.newhanoverlutheran.org/bulletin-archive/

To make a donation to the church; for online giving, please visit us at https://www.newhanoverlutheran.org/donate or you can mail us a check at New Hanover Evangelical Lutheran Church, 2941 Lutheran Road, Gilbertsville, PA 19525

To contact Pastor Scott - please email him at pastor@newhanoverlutheran.org or call him at the church at 610-326-1335 ext.1 .

Pastor, The Rev. Scott Staub
Pastor, Rev. Mary Ann Harris Siefke
Lincoln Noecker, Organist/Pianist
Scott Geiser, Web Manager
Amy Marazas, Video Producer
Scott Repa, Sound
Copyright Acknowledgements for
March 10, 2021 Service:

“Amazing Grace", setting, David Cherwien, ©1997 Concordia Publishing,
One License #A-701229 (NHELC)

"Herzlich lieb", setting, Gaël Liardon, ©2014 Creative Commons, Source: IMSLP/PetrucciMusicLibrary; freely used CC-Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
International (CC BY-SA 4.0) CC-Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0

Does your church need help with producing their weekly worship service? Amy Marazas can help! Contact her at Amy@Amymarazas.com. You can Follow her on Facebook https://fb.me/VideoCoachAmy

#NHELC #40days #MidweekWorship
A Midweek Lenten Healing Worship
Each Wednesdays at Noon a healing Worship service will be posted on our Facebook and YouTube websites.  Both worship sites, and the weekly devotional guide can be found at newhanoverlutheran.org.
Join us each week for opportunities to engage in the journey with Jesus to the cross and experience healing devotions and prayers along the way. Each Wednesday at Noon, we will learn breathing prayers and discuss Psalm 30, that will help us all cope with the hardships and pain of this pandemic. Midweek Healing devotionals and weekly Lenten devotionals are available on our webpage in the Worship tab, in the drop down Worship Materials and Devotionals section.
Subscribe and Like us on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOq-ftLNeF_oLL41ie7bRjw
Follow us on Facebook: https://www.Facebook.com/NewHanoverLutheranChurch 
Find the bulletin and all the music to follow along with the service on our website: https://www.newhanoverlutheran.org/bulletin-archive/
To make a donation to the church; for online giving, please visit us at https://www.newhanoverlutheran.org/donate or you can mail us a check at New Hanover Evangelical Lutheran Church, 2941 Lutheran Road, Gilbertsville, PA 19525
To contact Pastor Scott - please email him at pastor@newhanoverlutheran.org or call him at the church at 610-326-1335 ext.1 .
Pastor, The Rev. Scott Staub   
Pastor, Rev. Mary Ann Harris Siefke 
Lincoln Noecker, Organist/Pianist
Scott Geiser, Web Manager 
Amy Marazas, Video Producer
Scott Repa, Sound
Copyright Acknowledgements for  March 3, 2021  Service:  
"When I Survey the Wondrous Cross", setting, Rachel Trelstad Porter, ©2000 Augsburg Fortress, One License #A-701229 (NHELC) One License #A-729465  (St Luke)  
"Alle Menschen müssen sterben",  setting, Gaël Liardon, ©2011 Creative Commons,  Source: IMSLP/PetrucciMusicLibrary; freely used  CC-Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0  International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Does your church need help with producing their weekly worship service? Amy Marazas can help! Contact her at Amy@Amymarazas.com. You can Follow her on Facebook https://fb.me/VideoCoachAmy

#NHELC #40days #MidweekWorship

A Midweek Lenten Healing Worship

Each Wednesdays at Noon a healing Worship service will be posted on our Facebook and YouTube websites. Both worship sites, and the weekly devotional guide can be found at newhanoverlutheran.org.

Join us each week for opportunities to engage in the journey with Jesus to the cross and experience healing devotions and prayers along the way. Each Wednesday at Noon, we will learn breathing prayers and discuss Psalm 30, that will help us all cope with the hardships and pain of this pandemic. Midweek Healing devotionals and weekly Lenten devotionals are available on our webpage in the Worship tab, in the drop down Worship Materials and Devotionals section.

Subscribe and Like us on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOq-ftLNeF_oLL41ie7bRjw

Follow us on Facebook: https://www.Facebook.com/NewHanoverLutheranChurch

Find the bulletin and all the music to follow along with the service on our website: https://www.newhanoverlutheran.org/bulletin-archive/

To make a donation to the church; for online giving, please visit us at https://www.newhanoverlutheran.org/donate or you can mail us a check at New Hanover Evangelical Lutheran Church, 2941 Lutheran Road, Gilbertsville, PA 19525

To contact Pastor Scott - please email him at pastor@newhanoverlutheran.org or call him at the church at 610-326-1335 ext.1 .

Pastor, The Rev. Scott Staub
Pastor, Rev. Mary Ann Harris Siefke
Lincoln Noecker, Organist/Pianist
Scott Geiser, Web Manager
Amy Marazas, Video Producer
Scott Repa, Sound

Copyright Acknowledgements for March 3, 2021 Service:

"When I Survey the Wondrous Cross", setting, Rachel Trelstad Porter, ©2000 Augsburg Fortress, One License #A-701229 (NHELC) One License #A-729465 (St Luke)

"Alle Menschen müssen sterben", setting, Gaël Liardon, ©2011 Creative Commons, Source: IMSLP/PetrucciMusicLibrary; freely used CC-Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Does your church need help with producing their weekly worship service? Amy Marazas can help! Contact her at Amy@Amymarazas.com. You can Follow her on Facebook https://fb.me/VideoCoachAmy

0 0


Favor For A Lifetime

NHELC 12 views March 2, 2021 7:13 pm

#NHELC #40days #MidweekWorship

A Midweek Lenten Healing Worship

Each Wednesdays at Noon a healing Worship service will be posted on our Facebook and YouTube websites. Both worship sites, and the weekly devotional guide can be found at newhanoverlutheran.org.

Join us each week for opportunities to engage in the journey with Jesus to the cross and experience healing devotions and prayers along the way. Each Wednesday at Noon, we will learn breathing prayers and discuss Psalm 30, that will help us all cope with the hardships and pain of this pandemic. Midweek Healing devotionals and weekly Lenten devotionals are available on our webpage in the Worship tab, in the drop down Worship Materials and Devotionals section.

Subscribe and Like us on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOq-ftLNeF_oLL41ie7bRjw

Follow us on Facebook: https://www.Facebook.com/NewHanoverLutheranChurch

Find the bulletin and all the music to follow along with the service on our website: https://www.newhanoverlutheran.org/bulletin-archive/

To make a donation to the church; for online giving, please visit us at https://www.newhanoverlutheran.org/donate or you can mail us a check at New Hanover Evangelical Lutheran Church, 2941 Lutheran Road, Gilbertsville, PA 19525

To contact Pastor Scott - please email him at pastor@newhanoverlutheran.org or call him at the church at 610-326-1335 ext.1 .

Pastor, The Rev. Scott Staub
Pastor, Rev. Mary Ann Harris Siefke
Lincoln Noecker, Organist/Pianist
Scott Geiser, Web Manager
Amy Marazas, Video Producer
Scott Repa, Sound

Copyright Acknowledgements for March 3, 2021 Service:

"When I Survey the Wondrous Cross", setting, Rachel Trelstad Porter, ©2000 Augsburg Fortress, One License #A-701229 (NHELC) One License #A-729465 (St Luke)

"Alle Menschen müssen sterben", setting, Gaël Liardon, ©2011 Creative Commons, Source: IMSLP/PetrucciMusicLibrary; freely used CC-Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Does your church need help with producing their weekly worship service? Amy Marazas can help! Contact her at Amy@Amymarazas.com. You can Follow her on Facebook https://fb.me/VideoCoachAmy

Each Wednesdays at Noon a healing Worship service will be posted on our Facebook and YouTube websites.   Both worship sites, and the weekly devotional guide can be found at newhanoverlutheran.org.
Join us each week for opportunities to engage in the journey with Jesus to the cross and experience healing devotions and prayers along the way. Each Wednesday at Noon, we will learn breathing prayers and discuss Psalm 30, that will help us all cope with the hardships and pain of this pandemic. Midweek Healing devotionals and weekly Lenten devotionals are available on our webpage in the Worship tab, in the drop down Worship Materials and Devotionals section.
Subscribe and Like us on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOq-ftLNeF_oLL41ie7bRjw
Follow us on Facebook: https://www.Facebook.com/NewHanoverLutheranChurch 
Find the bulletin and all the music to follow along with the service on our website: https://www.newhanoverlutheran.org/bulletin-archive/
To make a donation to the church; for online giving, please visit us at https://www.newhanoverlutheran.org/donate or you can mail us a check at New Hanover Evangelical Lutheran Church, 2941 Lutheran Road, Gilbertsville, PA 19525
To contact Pastor Scott - please email him at pastor@newhanoverlutheran.org or call him at the church at 610-326-1335 ext.1 .
Pastor, The Rev. Scott Staub   
Pastor, Rev. Mary Ann Harris Siefke 
Lincoln Noecker, Organist/Pianist
Scott Geiser, Web Manager 
Amy Marazas, Video Producer
Scott Repa, Sound
Copyright Acknowledgements for February 24, 2021  Service:  
Thy Holy Wings" setting, J.Wayne Kerr; ©2009 Augsburg Fortress; One License #A-701229  
"Wer nur den lieben Gott", setting, Gaël Liardon, ©2015 Creative Commons, Source: IMSLP/PetrucciMusicLibrary; freely used CC-Attribution-ShareAlike  4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)   
Does your church need help with producing their weekly worship service? Amy Marazas can help! Contact her at Amy@Amymarazas.com. You can Follow her on Facebook https://fb.me/VideoCoachAmy

Each Wednesdays at Noon a healing Worship service will be posted on our Facebook and YouTube websites. Both worship sites, and the weekly devotional guide can be found at newhanoverlutheran.org.

Join us each week for opportunities to engage in the journey with Jesus to the cross and experience healing devotions and prayers along the way. Each Wednesday at Noon, we will learn breathing prayers and discuss Psalm 30, that will help us all cope with the hardships and pain of this pandemic. Midweek Healing devotionals and weekly Lenten devotionals are available on our webpage in the Worship tab, in the drop down Worship Materials and Devotionals section.

Subscribe and Like us on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOq-ftLNeF_oLL41ie7bRjw

Follow us on Facebook: https://www.Facebook.com/NewHanoverLutheranChurch

Find the bulletin and all the music to follow along with the service on our website: https://www.newhanoverlutheran.org/bulletin-archive/

To make a donation to the church; for online giving, please visit us at https://www.newhanoverlutheran.org/donate or you can mail us a check at New Hanover Evangelical Lutheran Church, 2941 Lutheran Road, Gilbertsville, PA 19525

To contact Pastor Scott - please email him at pastor@newhanoverlutheran.org or call him at the church at 610-326-1335 ext.1 .

Pastor, The Rev. Scott Staub
Pastor, Rev. Mary Ann Harris Siefke
Lincoln Noecker, Organist/Pianist
Scott Geiser, Web Manager
Amy Marazas, Video Producer
Scott Repa, Sound

Copyright Acknowledgements for February 24, 2021 Service:

Thy Holy Wings" setting, J.Wayne Kerr; ©2009 Augsburg Fortress; One License #A-701229

"Wer nur den lieben Gott", setting, Gaël Liardon, ©2015 Creative Commons, Source: IMSLP/PetrucciMusicLibrary; freely used CC-Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Does your church need help with producing their weekly worship service? Amy Marazas can help! Contact her at Amy@Amymarazas.com. You can Follow her on Facebook https://fb.me/VideoCoachAmy

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A Midweek Lenten Healing Worship (February 24,2021 through March 24, 2021)

NHELC 17 views February 24, 2021 9:55 am

Each Wednesdays at Noon a healing Worship service will be posted on our Facebook and YouTube websites. Both worship sites, and the weekly devotional guide can be found at newhanoverlutheran.org.

Join us each week for opportunities to engage in the journey with Jesus to the cross and experience healing devotions and prayers along the way. Each Wednesday at Noon, we will learn breathing prayers and discuss Psalm 30, that will help us all cope with the hardships and pain of this pandemic. Midweek Healing devotionals and weekly Lenten devotionals are available on our webpage in the Worship tab, in the drop down Worship Materials and Devotionals section.

Subscribe and Like us on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOq-ftLNeF_oLL41ie7bRjw

Follow us on Facebook: https://www.Facebook.com/NewHanoverLutheranChurch

Find the bulletin and all the music to follow along with the service on our website: https://www.newhanoverlutheran.org/bulletin-archive/

To make a donation to the church; for online giving, please visit us at https://www.newhanoverlutheran.org/donate or you can mail us a check at New Hanover Evangelical Lutheran Church, 2941 Lutheran Road, Gilbertsville, PA 19525

To contact Pastor Scott - please email him at pastor@newhanoverlutheran.org or call him at the church at 610-326-1335 ext.1 .

Pastor, The Rev. Scott Staub
Pastor, Rev. Mary Ann Harris Siefke
Lincoln Noecker, Organist/Pianist
Scott Geiser, Web Manager
Amy Marazas, Video Producer
Scott Repa, Sound

Copyright Acknowledgements for February 24, 2021 Service:

Thy Holy Wings" setting, J.Wayne Kerr; ©2009 Augsburg Fortress; One License #A-701229

"Wer nur den lieben Gott", setting, Gaël Liardon, ©2015 Creative Commons, Source: IMSLP/PetrucciMusicLibrary; freely used CC-Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Does your church need help with producing their weekly worship service? Amy Marazas can help! Contact her at Amy@Amymarazas.com. You can Follow her on Facebook https://fb.me/VideoCoachAmy